Custom Blimps are a great, inexpensive way to bring attention to your business or event.
We can manufacture your custom blimp to almost any specifications. We have many stock colors and can match most colors.
We manufacture our customs blimps in the USA for fast shipment anywhere in the world. We have hundreds of advertising blimps in stock and keep many custom blimps with lettering in stock also.
Custom Blimps – Effective, Affordable Advertising
All of our advertising blimps are made of polyurethane, the best material for helium blimps.
Don’t buy a heavy pvc blimp with inflatable fins that doesn’t fly or a thinly coated nylon blimp that will leak the first time it rubs against anything.
If you need to attract attention at an affordable price please give us a call at 1-800-791-1445.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for Custom Blimps!