1. What material is used in our helium advertising balloons, blimps and custom shapes?
We use only the highest quality polyurethane, not pvc. PVC is classified by the USA EPA as a known carcinogen. If you purchase a balloon or blimp manufactured outside of the USA it is most probably made from pvc. That smell when you open the package is volatile organic vapors.
1a. Is the polyurethane material Strong?
Yes, please see video.
2. Are your balloons and blimps easy to use?
Yes, most of our balloons and blimps are easily inflated in a few minutes. There is a small inflation port plug that you open and close when filling with helium and a quick link that attaches the balloon or blimp to the tether line. 20ft. and larger blimps and 8ft. and larger balloons require more than one tank of helium to fill so it takes a few minutes longer.
3. How long does it take to get my balloon, blimp or custom shape helium inflatable?
The perennial favorite. We usually have 300 – 400 balloons and blimps of assorted colors and sizes in stock. We also try to have some of the more popular messages (“Now Open”, “Grand Opening”, “Auto Sale” and “Sale”) on the balloons and blimps. If you need lettering, logo or artwork on your balloon or blimp please allow 2 -3 weeks. We can occasionally slip something in and have it out in a few days. It really depends on the current production schedule. Give us a call or email!
4. What colors are available?
RED, BLUE, WHITE, YELLOW, GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE, BLACK are our available material colors. When can usually match any colors used in the artwork/lettering. See our Visual Planning Page for colors.Visual Planning Page – Click Here!
5. What size balloon or blimp should I get?
For indoor use such as tradeshows a 6ft. ball or 11ft. blimp would usually be large enough. For outdoor use the larger the balloon or blimp is the better it will fly in higher wind and the greater the distance from which the balloon or blimp can be seen.
© 2024 Advertising Balloons & Giant Balloons