Advertising Blimps - 25 ft. long


Advertising Blimp Balloon for Sale!

25 ft. Advertising blimps can mean big business for your business or event. We manufacture advertising balloons in the USA for outdoor advertising and event marketing. Advertising blimps is used for Sports Marketing, radio remotes, car dealer sales, restaurant “Grand Openings”, trade shows and hundreds other types of sales and events.

Arizona Balloon Company has been providing air balloon advertising since 1976. Trust one of the oldest advertising balloons company in the world to create your advertising blimp.

We have hundreds of giant balloons and advertising blimps in stock and ready to ship for your sale or big event today!

Giant 25 ft. long,reusable blimp: $2861.00 plus artwork.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for Advertising Blimps!

Advertising Blimps for Sale!