Arizona Balloons®
Need Giant Balloons, Advertising Blimps, Advertising Inflatables or Dancing Balloons?
Please click on a picture to take you to that category.

Advertising Balloons
Balloons from 4.5′ – 14′

Advertising Blimps
Blimps from 7′ to 30′

Advertising Inflatables

Dancing Balloons
“When the balloons go up, sales go up!”
Tom Buis
General Manager Showcase Honda, Showcase Pontiac-GMC
Please browse our marketing balloons site or call 1-800-791-1445 for information!
This giant balloon, unlike the Colorado flying saucer hoax, will lift a 200 lb. man.
Giant Balloons for sale and rent.
OMG… thank you!
Your team has been awesome to work with.
Please thank them for us.
Best, Kathy – Symantec Corp
Save $100’s on Helium Costs! Ask US!!
Some of the clients we have helped with their large promotional balloons.

Stronger, lighter & better-flying Balloons and Blimps!
Manufacturer of the highest quality helium advertising blimps, advertising balloons, advertising inflatables, parade balloons,dancing balloons,cold-air balloons and product replicas. We also have one of the largest selections of cold-air balloons and helium advertising inflatables available for rental.
Colors! Colors! Colors! We have many brilliant colors available at no additional charge.
Need more information please call 1-800-791-1445 or 602-938-3550!

Build Traffic & Sales with our balloons, blimps and inflatables!
- Advertising blimps are our biggest seller and our advertising blimps are the easiest to use and most dramatic.
- Our helium balloons and blimps are light weight for better flying capabilities and our small balloons and blimps can be inflated by one person in 5-10 minutes.
- Our big Balloons and helium blimps are durable yet very light weight;therefore, our products use much less helium than PVC or urethane coated balloons and blimps.
- Our advertising blimps and large balloons will save you helium each time you re-use it and increase your traffic from the aerial impact.
- Helium is an ongoing cost – choose the custom balloons and blimps that are by far the most cost – effective.
- If you are researching cold-air advertising inflatables, Dune balloons, globe balloons, heart helium balloons, leprechaun balloons, red tag balloons and/or Santa balloons please go to our page on each. Promotional balloons and promotional blimps will be a great investment in your advertising and marketing program.
Please call our toll-free number 1-800-791-1445 or Email with any questions or concerns. All of our giant helium balloons are reusable and made in the USA.
If you need anything you don’t see here, please get in touch with us. We have over 600 advertising inflatables, giant marketing balloons, and blimps ready to ship today.
Quality Balloon
We have been providing quality balloon advertising since 1976! For excellent service and superior craftsmanship please call.Our clients include Fortune 500 companies and neighborhood mom and pop shops.
We actually manufacture our balloons & blimps in the USA.
Don’t let your project get held up in customs in China or India.
Check our advertising balloons blog!