Advertising Balloon and Advertising Blimp Tether Line Considerations

Advertising Balloon and Advertising Blimp Tether Line Usage

Letting the advertising balloon or advertising blimp tether line slide through your fingers too fast will cause rope burns! It is recommended that you wear gloves.

Balloons and Blimps should be flown using the total length of the tether line. This keeps the product flying above surface wind turbulence.

advertising blimp tether line

Advertising Blimp Tether Line Deployment

At the tie down point and the area around the tether line, make sure there are no objects which might catch, fray or cut the tether line. A tether line under tension is easily severed!

If you purchase a balloon or blimp from us we will send you detailed info on a specific method we use.

Call 1-800-791-1445 for more information on tether line deployment.


See more on advertising balloon and advertising blimp inflation instructions.



Advertising Blimp Tether Line Deployment
Article Name
Advertising Blimp Tether Line Deployment
How to safely and effectively use the tether line for your advertising blimp or advertising balloon.
Arizona Balloon
Copyright © Advertising Balloons